Rent material

  • Stab 3.00€ / dive
  • Regulator 3.00€ / dive
  • Suit 3.00€ / dive
  • Computer 3.00€ / dive
  • All material + computer 12.00€

Price Of Dives

  • From 1 to 4 dives 36.00€ / dive
  • From 5 à 12 dives 32.00€ / dive
  • As from 13 dives 30.00€ / dive
  • Night dive 55.00€ / dive
  • Group price minimum 8 divers (package 10 dives) Info
  • Iniciation dive / sea departure boat 80.00€
  • 1 dive with instructor 30.00€
  • 2 dives with instructor 50.00€

Charge tanks outside diving club

  • Bottle 12L 4.00€
  • Bottle 15L 6.00€
  • 300 Bars 8.00€
  • 300 Bars 10.00€ 200B NX/100 B Air

Charge Nitrox

  • Bottle 12L 8.00€
  • Bottle 15L 10.00€
  • 300 Bars 10.00€ 200B NX/100 B Air

Insurance Scubamedic

  • 1 Day 8.00€
  • 1 Week 17.00€
  • 1 Month 25.00€
  • 1 Year 50.00€